Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Journey Back...

There is a life that I have not seen, a life I have not yet touched, a life in which
I am powerful beyond human strength or wisdom...a life in heaven.

I have been at school at BSSM for almost two weeks now and it has already been
life changing. There's a part of me that's wondering, "will I really take what I've learned
and apply it to the outside world" (I call that my boring ass adult side) and then there's
the other side of me that's so excited so ready to take on the world and so ready to just
love and help people (that's my childlike side). I've seen a few healings over the past year,
and I get so excited watching people set free, to me that's one of the reasons why I'm
here, "to be set free so I can-in return-set others free."

One thing that I have notice, since I've been here, is the incredible wisdom and
revelation of my teachers-I really admire their courage to get more of God, at any cost!
I think for me, though, I want to keep it simple so I came up with this, what I'm going to
focus on while I'm here: Loving God, Loving myself, Loving people and doing what Jesus
did. If I can do just the first thing on that list, I'll be golden...hopefully.

The Journey back-

The one thing that they never tell you is
how great you are
how brilliant of a mind you have
sitting amongst the wolves of jealousy and envy
I strive to keep up with the shakers, players, dreamers
of a life that could only be lived through the eyes of deception

They know better, they know who I am, they know...

But if they could they would not that I would but that they
possibly if not worst, not better, they would do it

I stop to catch a breath

trains coming through again
55 to south and 99 on the way


silence reigns dust settles I shake off my
backpack of stuff

in the distance there is only a monument of
accomplishments that were meant to astonish....

goodnight dreamer tomorrow we dance

-Willy Branlund

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Return to Simplicity

So, the other day I did a photoshoot with my friend Jae-Mi, it was fun! I mean, no extra lights, no assistants, no preconceived notions,no was just simple and fun, like recess at school. I came home and took a look at the photos, and started to remember why I got into photography...because it was fun (it was also therapy, but still nonetheless fun).

That night it hit me like a ton of bricks! God had been calling me to this for sometime now, I just couldn't see it because I had copped an "adult" like attitude towards God and Art.

I mean, seriously, it's that childlike heart that keeps you learning, keeps you excited about life, keeps you wanting to experience different things, keeps you alive you might say. Now, I'm not saying to you put your diapers back on and asking your mom if you can have some milk, that's not what I'm saying at all! I'm saying, and this is my own personal revelation, and it doesn't matter if your a Christian, Mormon, Atheist, Jew...this one goes for everyone.

When your a child, you feel more, your experience of circumstances- weather it be bad or good-is heightened, life is is so much more beautiful and alive when your a child. Now, fast forward 30 years 200lbs into the future. Your overweight, you smell, but the irony in it all is that you think you know it all, you've put everything about life in a little box and then you start spilling all your bullshit onto every family member and friend that will listen...because "your always right and you know everything". Whatever dude! Or, your at the perfect weight, your beauty stuns every onlooker every passerby, you have the perfect job, perfect tits, the husband with all the money, your kids worship the ground you live on...but inside, inside you want to jump off a building. Life has no meaning anymore, but, you insist on letting everyone around you know that "they are imperfect, they are not as good as you, they are not smart as you, and they couldn't do your job better than you...because "they" are idiots, but you love them!

What I'm not saying is this, to change up your fucked up life, be like a child again, all your problems will be solved and life will having new meaning again-NOT WHAT I'm SAYING!

What I am saying is this, I had a revelation, and this might not be yours but I believe for me, somewhere along the line I complicated things I made life harder than it is, I made art more complicated than it should be, I basically took all the joy out of things. I'm not saying that life is all about fun, joy, happiness, cause it's not. But I do believe we can enjoy the process of things, enjoy getting to the goal, instead of being pissed off that we're not there yet. I believe that survival is only a one way road, but living gives you choices!

When your a kid, you enjoy things, everything is an experiment, every morning you wake up is like a gift...and sometimes the greatest gift in life is childlike.

"Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whomever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

-Matthew 18: 3-4

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